E-commerce website is a great way to run your own business and generate lucrative income while working with customers from around the country and maybe even around the globe. However, as a company that operates entirely online, you really need to step up your game when it comes to data security. With so many cyber threats out there for e-commerce businesses, you need to have the right tools in place to protect your information, as well as the information you collect from your customers.
Is your e-commerce site’s data security good enough? Keep reading to find out.
Do You Regularly Test Your E-Commerce Website’s Security?
Just because your e-commerce site seems secure today doesn’t mean that it will be secure in the future. That’s why it’s imperative that you test your site’s security on a regular basis. Do so by regularly scanning for new threats of viruses and malware, by performing penetration testing, and by implementing the use of the latest and best security apps. Also, always keep your security system up-to-date so you can avoid becoming vulnerable to new attacks that outdated protections aren’t equipped to handle.
Are You Encrypting Data and Communications?
Encryption is one of those tried-and-true methods to keep your site secure from threats, so you definitely want to be certain that you’re using the right tools for encrypting not only the data that you collect from vendors and customers, but also the communications that you have with your credit card processor, business partners, customers, etc. In other words, never transmit private data, or even potentially private information, via plain text format online.
Have You Chosen a Secure Hosting Provider?
When it comes to choosing a hosting provider for your e-commerce site, security should be one of the things you look for. Only sign up for a provider who uses, at a minimum, 128 bit encryption, though 256 bit is better. You also want to sign up with a hosting company that will perform backups regularly so that your website’s content will always be there, and you want them to keep a comprehensive log as well. Regular monitoring of the network should also be performed, and written policies and procedures should be readily provided in the event of a data breach. Finally, you should also be given a single point of contact that you can rely on during security emergencies.
Are You Using a High Quality Data Security Service?
There are many companies out there that are providing the highest quality security services and products to e-commerce sites just like yours. Research your options, such as www.centritechnology.com, and find a security system that will provide 24/7 protection of your network and its data for the best results and the greatest peace of mind.
If you use the tips above, you can ensure that your e-commerce site will be a secure one on which your customers can shop for the things they need without having to worry about their data being stolen. And you can also run your business successfully without having to worry about hackers taking advantage of your hard work.
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