Archives for December 2015

How to Select the Right Consultant for Advice before Starting a Business

A drug and alcohol treatment facility is a very large operation. Therefore, running a business of this sort can be very challenging, especially for first timers. After all, there is much more than sales and profitability to worry about. There are also the lives of your patients to be considered. This makes a rehab facility much different than many other businesses out there. That is why it is good to have the help of experienced people to make sure that you are taking all important aspects of running a rehab facility into consideration. This will ensure than no major details are overlooked. Stodzy is a consulting service for drug rehabs. You can learn all about how they can improve the performance and efficiency of your rehab facility by visiting their website. Here are some of the ways you can go about hiring a business consultant for your rehab facility.

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Top 5 Reasons to Give Specialist Training to Your Employees

Are you having problems keeping your staff engaged? Do you have a high turnover of employees? Do you get complaints about customer service? The answer to these dilemmas could lie in training provision. Proper training can not only help you get better results but it can also help motivate employees and improve employee engagement. Take a look at our top 5 benefits of specialist training:

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The Best Sectors to Invest Money in 2016

With 2015 drawing to a close and another about to start, many investors are thinking about where to put their money next. There are number of factors you need to look at before making the decision. Some of the factors you should consider are performance over last few years, economic forecast, interest rate environment and so on. We have looked at these and other factors and come up with some ideas for 2016. Here are some of the sectors we think will do well.

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Improve Productivity and Security with Employee Monitoring Software

For business owners, and particularly small business ones, two of the biggest challenges they have to deal with are employee productivity and business security. Productivity determines how much sales and profit they can get out of their existing resources. While security is a necessity that they cannot live without. Even a single data breach can cost them thousands of dollars in litigation. Unfortunately, many business owns struggle in overcoming both these challenges.

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Why Virtual Offices Are On the Rise For 2016

Virtual Office
Physical space is always going to be a huge point of debate for a start-up, with every savvy business owner looking to cut corners and save a few pennies. What makes the concept of the virtual office interesting is that it creates a network of employees without the need to contain them all geographically. With the number of freelance workers growing, it’s safe to say that the Virtual Office – with only a company web address – is the way forward for businesses.

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13 Best Companies to Work for in the Western United States

Best Workplaces
The following 13 businesses have proven they’re a remarkable place to work. According to Fortune, Google is still the best company to work for, but Google isn’t the only company that offers incredible benefits and competitive pay. The Western United States has number of cool, rewarding workplaces. You don’t have to sacrifice pay for a job you love. When you work for these companies, you truly get it all: competitive paychecks and a rewarding workplace.

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Benefits of the Franchise Model for Business Expansion

FranchiseManaging a business can be risky, but at the same time very rewarding. Some businesses have the right formula or get lucky and are able to attract customers and grow sales rapidly. This is the time when they should look into expansion. Sometimes, this means growing the business organically, and in other cases it’s more sensible to turn the business into a franchise. If you have a strong business model and a unique selling point with plenty of appeal, then franchising your business may be the best next step for you. After all, a franchise gives you geographic expansion, improves your financial standing and can contribute to a positive reputation. If you are thinking of expanding your business via franchise model here are some of the benefits to franchising your business.

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5 Unique Ways Restaurants are Embracing Technology

Restaurant Tech
Technology has revolutionized everyday lives of businesses and consumers alike. Many of the things we take for granted today would have been impossible to imagine just few years ago. Restaurant industry not immune from these changes either. Technology is helping restaurants in number of ways, including increasing efficiency, providing better customer service, improving food quality and so on. Today, restaurants are able to generate more sales and profit while having more satisfied customers with the help of technology improvements. Those who do not take advantage of them run the risk of becoming obsolete in the next few years. Here are 5 important technologies we think can help restaurant owners.

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Impact of Mobile Technology on Forex Trading

With the advancement in technology, trading online is now reliable, fast and more profitable than it used to be. The rapid rise of Smartphones has made mobile trading more accessible and convenient. When it comes to Forex trading having reliable data at your fingertips and the ability to execute trades quickly are two most important factors that determine whether you will be able to make or lose money. The technology solutions have made it possible for even the casual traders to benefit from forex trading.

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Advertising-on-Hold: A Sure-Fire Way to Convert More Customers

Customer on Hold
When was the last time someone stared at a banner ad for a whole minute? What about listened to a YouTube ad for a minute without pressing ‘Skip’?

Now, what if we told you there was a way not only to capture your potential customers’ attention for that full sixty seconds, but for them to appreciate you doing it?

There is. It’s called advertising-on-hold.

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