What if someone told you that you can improve the productivity of your employees by up to 25% simply by making few changes in your work environment? I know, I wouldn’t believe them either. But it is supported by studies and facts that the office space and surroundings can have profound impact on how well employees collaborate and contribute to the success of the business they work for. No wonder, companies such as Google and Facebook spend enormous money on their offices to create the environment from which their employees simply do not want to go home. Now, you don’t have to spend the fortune to create a similar environment, but with few simple changes you can achieve the same result, or close to it.
Environment Is Everything
Nothing kills productivity faster than a sick or dirty workplace. Make sure that the work environment is one that you’d be happy to bring any person into. Having workers participate in the cleaning can sometimes foster a sense of pride in their work space. At other times, it can breed resentment, particularly if they are cleaning up after their colleague’s tuna lunch. To keep a fantastic standard of cleanliness, and sanity, consider investing in a professional cleaning company like AMC Commercial Cleaning. Your office will thank you for it.
Bring Some Personality to Your Workplace
It’s a common sense that if you feel in a more homely environment, you will feel more relaxed, and relaxation leads to less stress and better time management. Let your workers personalise their space – it may be a photograph, a personal calendar, or a favourite poster. If they don’t feel like they are in a one-size-fits-all cubicle, they will feel more comfortable. You should probably draw the line if they try to re-paint the walls, but trust that the majority of people will understand those unspoken boundaries.
Never Underestimate a Good Bribe
Of course, I don’t mean it literally, but incentives can be a great way to keep your workplace focused and energised. Set office goals and reward staff when they are met. It can also be a great idea to set monthly social events to perk up the office. Morning teas, office team builders, and other challenges are a great break from work, and everyone will return with more energy and greater focus.
Understand the Value of “Alone” Time
Ever worked in an office where the radio was pumping out loud music and obnoxious chatter all day? For some people, that environment motivates them and encourages them to do their best work. For others, it is a distraction and a menace while they try to work. See if you can find a happy medium in the office and, if not, consider finding a smaller additional space where the noise-haters can escape to if they need an hour of quiet concentration.
Of course, there are plenty of other options for a productive workplace, but the most effective methods are about finding the work fun balance. Don’t expect people to concentrate for every second they are at work. And, if you find yourself in a slump, have a quick break to recharge and try to figure out what it was specifically that caused the break in your productivity.
What is your secret to recharging the work batteries? Share any tips you’ve picked up from your current or past workplaces in the comments section below.