You have probably seen countless items, sculptures and machines made from metal. But did you ever consider how the metal was shaped into these items in the first place? After all, it’s not the most malleable of things. This article reveals more.
When you see a sheet of metal in its basic form, it is hard to imagine how it could ever be transformed into anything else. Of course these sheets are indeed transformed into other things on a daily basis. Ships are made from many sheets of metal all bolted together, not to mention thousands of smaller pieces of metal used for various purposes. Artists make sculptures both small and large from sheets of metal, and the material is also used to make countless other things that are used in all areas of life.
The trick is to know how to take a simple sheet of metal and change it into whatever other items you need. In order to do this you must know the relevant sizes and shapes that are required. You should also know how to use the equipment that has been designed to make these jobs easier to manage.
Sheet metal comes in a variety of sizes and thicknesses. Some of the thinner pieces may be flexible to a certain extent but you could certainly never bend them into shape with your bare hands. Even if you could it would be impossible to get the bends into exactly the right places.
This is where equipment such as press brakes comes in. Press brakes are used to bend the metal into a pre-determined shape. You make adjustments to the machinery prior to working with the metal to make sure the angle is set correctly for the metal you want to bend, and the machine does the rest. The metal is clamped into place to hold it securely while the bend is created. As such this piece of machinery makes it a lot easier and less energy intensive for you when it comes to working with sheet metal.
It is arguably easier to make changes to smaller pieces of sheet metal once it has been cut and moulded into the relevant shape. For example you may need to take a corner off it or attach a metal pipe and solder it to the box you have made. There are all kinds of possibilities here depending on what you are making and working with. The most important thing is always to have the right equipment to perform whatever tasks you want to achieve. Trying to use a piece of equipment to achieve a task it was not intended for is never a good idea. It can be dangerous to say the least.
If you are serious about working with metal it is well worth looking into the area in more detail so you can learn more about the various pieces of equipment that are available to use. Setting up a metalworking area will undoubtedly require you to have some of these pieces of equipment, but the specific ones you require will depend on what you need to do. You may not need the one mentioned above but if you do there are always good deals to be had. Whatever you end up with, make sure you learn how to use it properly.