Do you want to start an online retail store, but are always afraid of effort and money required to do so? I have come across a cheap and elegant solution that has the potential to help you with it. The solution comes from a start-up called Goodsie. I checked out their web site and was very impressed with its functionality and ease of use. You do not need to have computer programming knowledge to use this software, which is a great relief to many of us who do not have that skill or don’t want to deal with that hassle.
While online retail stores have been around for some time, small business owners have been at a disadvantage against their larger rivals due to their lack of skills and money required to build and run online retailing. You can use Amazon or eBay, but you are likely to be drowned out amongst thousands of businesses who are jockeying for the top position. That is why I strongly believe in having your own online store with a unique identity that you can control. Goodsie lets you do that easily.
Goodsie has number of interesting features provided out of the box and all of them can be used with simple mouse clicks. You are able to design the store without any programming knowledge and customize it to create its own identity. It also enables you integrate with PayPal or Google Checkout with minimal effort. The features that got me most excited are email marketing and sales analytics. These are the areas where large competitors hold big advantage. Small business owners have not been able to leverage these features that are paramount for the success of online retailing. Goodsie has excellent functionality in these areas that small businesses can take advantage of. You can even setup your own Facebook store.
The pricing is very reasonable in my opinion. For a flat $40 per month you get all these functionality. If you are not interested in Email marketing or sales analytics (Not sure why you wouldn’t be) the rate drops to just $15 per month.
I think this is great news for small business owners who always wanted to create online store, but were afraid because of effort and money required. Be sure to check out the video on their web site that showcases all the features in action. Also, visit the example stores created by their customers to get an idea of how it looks in action.
Let me know what you think after you have visited their web site.
Nice overview. Just want to cheer you for your good writing ability. Thanks for sharing about Goodsie, very interesting one