In earlier post we showed how sending inconsistent messages to customers through your actions can harm small business owners greatly. Many small business owners don’t pay attention to how customers perceive their business as a result of actions they take and end up confusing the customer who keeps wondering what your business stands really stands for. Is it low price vendor like Wal-Mart or high quality, easy-to-user products like Apple?
To provide consistent message to your customers all departments within your business have to work in harmony like well-oiled machine. The departments you have to pay particular attention to are customer service and marketing. The list below gives specific actions you can take to achieve this:
- Pay careful attention to who you hire. Make sure they understand and support what your business stands for. They also need to work well with other employees. Look at these suggestions to hire best employees.
- After you have hired employees spend time in training them to make sure they understand the values of the business they are representing. Also, make them familiar with the company processes and policies. A brief list of Do’s and Don’ts can go a long way towards familiarizing a new hire. Refer to an earlier post for effective techniques in onboarding new employees.
- Keep reinforcing the business values to all employees periodically. You need to repeat the message multiple times before it takes hold in their minds.
- If you make a mistake that sends confusing message to your customers, apologize and correct it promptly. Just look at how Netflix screwed up their brand , not to mention their stock price, by announcing several changes in their business model and pricing in a short time period and driving many of their loyal customers away.
- Make sure all your marketing messages and advertising are emphasizing the qualities that your business stands for. If your business is about low-price goods your advertising should consistently showcase this.
- Pay attention to the 3 P’s – product, pricing, placement (marketing). Make sure they are complimenting each other. You don’t want to sell high quality product at low price and advertize it in places visited by people who cannot afford it.
How is your experience in sending consistent message to your customers? Any suggestions for your fellow readers?
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